Thursday, 29 September 2011

Jeff's blues go beyond the pail

How long can Jeff Kennett's position with Beyond Blue remain tenable given the outright abuse of public money he has managed to maintain over recent years. Claims that the board travel business class don' cause much of a surprise given that a number are ex-senior politicians or senior mental heath experts. However, the politicians would be entitled to government travel and the medicos should surely be able to count their involvement as part of their negotiated workload and this beggars the question: "why is the travel bill so high?"

The recent resignation of the CEO Dawn O'Neil, a well respected advocate in the disability sector after only eight months has to be an indicator of tensions that exist within the organisation. The fact that Jeff can't seem to keep his foot out of his mouth for any length of time. As well as his total lack of concern for the potential damage his statements do to the mental health of those in groups that Beyond Blue is supposed to support under it's charter mean that there has to come a time when the rest of the board and it's major funder, the government must draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough.

At least you would hope so. Yet the silence is deafening. Canberra either isn't paying attention or is too caught up in causing the mental distress of those seeking asylum in Australia to notice the gaffes of an ex-liberal premier who is known for his stuff ups. The other concern is that the rest of the board is either so enamoured by Jeff or too afraid of him to take the action required. However, the Beyond Blue brand is undermined by each subsequent press meeting that the Chair holds.

One of the biggest problems I have had for some time is the lack of consumer representation on this board and within the organisation as a whole. Kennett's own testimony was certainly a representation of the pressures that are brought to bear upon our political masters. However, there is no reference to the ordinary man in the street; and Jeff is no Everyman.

The other sector not represented properly on this auspicious board is the GLBTI sector that has one of the highest rates of depression and suicide for any sector of the population. Instead the chair, Kennett, never misses a beat in putting down the aspirations of GLBTI youth in particular; his most recent gaffe referring to the unproven and solicited 'research' regarding children and the effect of different parenting models. Kennett chose to use the research to bleat his belief that "Chilldren are best brought up in a family with a Mother and a Father." unfortunately for him the report actually doesn't support this assertion. Mind you it should be remembered that the research was instigated by the ACL.

It is interesting to note that the vast collection of independent research actually suggests that the important environment for a child is both supportive and loving and doesn't have any concern with the make-up of the parent household at all.

Why is Jeff still in this role? He was supposed to resign at the end of last year; it certainly can't be by public acclaim. Having been the chair of a national disability body; the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations from 2008 to 2010 I was very wary of the need to ensure that the organisation had proper succession planning in place. I am very aware that many of those who stay in chair roles and depart without an effective handover are usually doing it for the 'prestige' rather than for the sake of the organisation; perhaps this is Kennett's reasoning. The question is who has he chosen to be his successor?
Surely the Beyond Blue board cannot view Kennett as an asset. We believe that Ms. O'Neil doesn't.

Jeff's latest entrée into the pokies debate demonstrate that he either hasn't got a clue about conflict of interests, he's downright stupid, or he's just believes that the rules that govern the rest of us don't apply to him. As the chair of an Aussie rules football club with a large number of revenue raising pokies in their stable his comments on the proposed legislation to help curb problem gambling; both a major affect and a cause of depression in this country; it is not unreasonable for the rest of us to believe that his role with Beyond Blue would cause him to show support for any measure that would help to relieve depression; or shut up.

Instead, Kennett's wisdom suggested that he should wade into the debate to support his footy club and it's fleecing of it's members rather than the need to look at a different business model that would reduce their dependence on the pokies revenue.

With this most recent foray Kennett has demonstrated no concern for the rest of us. The issue is not about marginalised GLBTI people it concerns the mums and dads of Australia and one can only hope that the clarion cry is for his removal. He has definitely gone beyond the pail.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

How low can we go?

The past few weeks in Australian politics has been one of the most disturbing I can remember. In the 38 years I've lived in this country.

The refugee debate sank to it's lowest point since Paul Keating introduced mandatory detention back in the early 90's. The purpose of that strategy was to ensure that people who arrived on our shores as refugees, no matter what way they did so, would be detained until their appeal for asylum could be processed.

During the Howard years it was turned into a form of punishment for daring to request help for a better life from those who arrived on our shores by boat from Indonesia. The most disgusting policy of all was the excising of Australian territories and islands. From the mainland to attempt to prevent "Those people" from reaching mainland Australia.

It eventually developed into a policy of off-shore processing with people arriving by boat being declared "illegal immigrants and queue jumpers" when those making these claims knew the fact is that it is not illegal to seek asylum and there is no queue; they demonised these people as potential terrorists and fed the post 9/11 fear by pandering to a national undercurrent of racism and xenophobia that has no place in the world of 21st century Australia; a country made up of immigrants and refugees from all parts of the globe.

This appalling mindset was even given voice in the Australian parliament by an ignorant red-neck redhead who used her maiden speech to decry the Asian invasion and the ungrateful aborigines who were only interested in a handout; it smelt of McCarthyism at best. She has since graced the KKK hall of fame and is a pin-up for the neo-Nazi movement

The fact that the prime minister of the day did nothing to denounce such unacceptable garbage became a modern example of Dr Martin Luther-King jr's proclamation that "evil things happen when good people do nothing." the fact that those who courted her support in the senate would not speak against her has become an example of some of the dirtiest politics in this nation.

The long term detention of families with children in on-shore detention centres and eventually in centres built on Christmas island and Nauru has left a legacy of broken people suffering with mental illness; dehumanised, treated as criminals by the very people they sought asylum and sanction from.

The clean broom of the Labor government which took office in 2007 made short shrift of righting many of the hate-filled policies of the Howard years by releasing asylum seekers from detention and providing a more humane approach to refugees. The rhetoric appeared to change for a while.

Over the past 12 months the current government has been "in a race to the bottom" in an attempt to shore up the very policies that they decried whilst in opposition. They have sought to pander to the lowest common denominator being driven by polling that is both biased and unbalanced; as Sir Humphrey Appleby would like to remind us "you can make a poll provide you with whatever result you want. It's just a matter of how you ask the questions."

In recent weeks however, the government has sunk to a new low in this contentious debate attempting to shore a policy of off-shore processing that has been demonstrated to be illegal according to the laws of the nation and the international conventions to which this country is a signatory. They have sought to demonstrate a level of political muscle that has taken a step so far to the right that they have left the consummate hypocrite, Tony Abbott in their dust; trying to do a run around the law to appease the bigoted minority who will never be satisfied with the facts as much as they are with their opinions.

Or, this minority is presented what they will think by the opinions they are fed by the self-serving shock jocks in this country like Alan Jones, or the swill presented as news by the Liberal party broadsheet, "The Australian" and the other newspapers in the News Ltd and Consolidated press stables as well as the commercial television stations who treat the parliament like one more episode of "Big Brother" or some other form of 'reality' TV where you get to vote someone off the island each night of the week.

This appalling attempt to disregard the human rights of these people was even further undermined by the well known bigot from the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) their CEO Jim Wallace who when passed the question on the ABC show Q&A on Monday night voiced one of the most despicable things I've heard him say about other human beings.

His response was that: "most of these people arriving by boat have had the money to pay these people smugglers and when they get here they are successful because they are  entrepreneurial. We should be stopping the boats to ensure we get those who are the most needy."

This was his great opportunity to demonstrate his so frequently flaunted 'Christian' credentials; to say that these people are entitled to seek refuge in this and other countries around the world. they are entitled to seek a better life for their children and their families because they see the opportunity available in countries like ours. Instead he chose to slam the door closed in the face of those in need because these people have the ability to come here and opportunity to develop businesses that not only provide for their families but for other Australians as well; not burgeoning the state; the accusation levelled most frequently at these human beings. Instead, he made the word 'entrepreneur' a dirty word.

How quickly we forget the war ravaged Jews who fed Europe at the end of WWII. How many of them took everything they owned and sold what they had to be able to get passage to places like Australia and the USA. They came in their thousands; huddled on ships we didn't turn them away. Is it because these people are not European but from the Middle-East and war torn countries in Africa? Is it because they are in many cases Muslim?

The old red-herring of "they don't integrate with the rest of society." they want to hold onto their values that don't fit with ours. Is despicable when you consider the ghettos of English immigrants in this country like Rockingham in WA and the Jewish enclaves of Melbourne, or the Italians and Greeks who have been in Australia for 30 - 40 years but still don't have enough English to get by because they chose not to learn it.

Let me reiterate that it is not illegal to seek asylum. It is not illegal to be a refugee. There is no imaginary queue out there in Asia for these people to join to be able to find a safe and easier way to get to this country. There are no Australian embassies for these people to go to where they come from. They take whatever option is available for them to come to this country. We should be rewarding their ingenuity instead of treating them as criminals.

Most importantly let me pull back the curtain to reveal the wizard's trick; the slight of hand that gets you distracted from what is really going on. There are somewhere in the vicinity of 50,000 people in this country who have arrived by plane and overstayed their visas; funnily enough they are not being rounded up and put into detention. Instead the few hundred that have taken their lives into their own hands and placed their. Very survival into the hands of people smugglers who send them to sea crowded and huddled in craft that are poorly designed for the journey they face. They are singled out by the media who drive the despicable feeding frenzy which is the excuse for asylum seeker debate in this country.

If the government truly want to break the people smuggling then let them provide sufficient efficient processing of claims from refugees at the point where they set sail. put processing of people in Indonesia and Malaysia. Then if there are still boats (which would be very few and far between) process them on the mainland. The joke about turning boats around is a macabre one because it puts these people at even greater risk. It is time for this process to dive into a more humane direction; Australia needs to reclaim its humanity.

Otherwise time will mark this as a dark period in the history of this nation. Let the light now shine.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

To the Bill Muehlenburg's and Jim Wallace's of this world; your hatred and bigotry in the name of God is taking God’s name in Vain.

Bill Muehlenburg, a committed Baptist has decided that his personal ministry for Christ is the greatest hatred and derision of GLBTI people that he can administer.  He caches his latest publication; a diatribe of vitriol and misdirection with the premise that any dissension from his basic premise is an attack from his invented GLBTI Mafia; the man has a vivid imagination.

Sadly, his science is both skewed and misinterpreted. I’m being very kind here; the reality is that he perverts the findings of the research that he quotes in such a manner that those who did the research are appalled at the misrepresentation of their findings; who wish to distance themselves from his conclusions.

Jim Wallace has a similar bent for cherry picking, not only from scripture, but from accredited scientists to attempt to support his vile agenda.

The Exclusionism that both these men have the audacity to perpetrate in their pronouncements is not only vile but have the effect of dividing and excluding those members of the Christian community who are GLBTI.

They have the audacity to proclaim that being Gay and Christian is not possible and yet in my personal experience, as well as the experience of a number of productive Christians I know they are both welcome and useable by the mighty God of the universe.

They presume to take the role of God in this issue; and for that I feel great sorrow. Not so much for these two men, rather for those who rely on what these men have said and taught. They have brought the Gospel of Christ (the Good News of Jesus Christ) into disrepute suggesting that no one can be saved unless they get their life together first.

However, salvation by Grace suggests that the salvation is not so much the result of our own actions but rather from the work of Christ and our acceptance of that sacrifice for which we could never repay.

GLBTI people are not looking for ‘Special’ rights. We have been denied basic human rights for so long that our struggle to get to equal standing is interpreted as a desire for ‘special’ rights. However, the reality is that we are actually entitled to them; but have to fight for recognition at every step of the way.

There is not a single argument that Bill and Jim can put up that actually justify their hatred; their derision; their bigotry and Homophobia (yes Jim and Bill, Homophobia) in relation to the GLBTI pursuit of Marriage Equality in Australia.

Their Hatred is not acceptable in a civil society. GLBTI people are not wishing to change religious marriage. But, the kind of exchange proffered by these men and their disciples is sufficient to incite violence and suicide. But, they will never accept that these are the inevitable consequences of their pronouncements.

The God of Grace is Greater than the Hatred these men espouse.